Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Until my very last day...

Whelp. So here it is...the end of September. I'm calling this season of my Shelterwood year "awkward season". Awkward because I'm almost at the end of my year...but still not really at the end of my year. Time to start thinking of life post-shelterwood....but too soon to start applying/interviewing for jobs or finding a place to live. Almost time to start saying goodbyes...but WAY too soon to start saying goodbyes. It's kind of weird, and pretty frustrating trying to figure out what I'm suppose to be doing now.


The obvious thing for someone to point out, or say to me, probably sounds like, "keep pushing until your very last day", "don't check-out yet", "you can still plant seeds", "you're still able to build relationships", etc. I know this is true, however it's really easy to lose that focus. It's really easy to "check-out" and have an attitude of, "why do I need to spend X amount of time with new girls, when I'm going to be leaving this place in 3 months?" or, "why not let the new bigs have the opportunity when it arrives to get to know these girls since they will be here for the next year with them?"

Sounds pretty selfish. Sounds like laziness. Doesn't sound like Jesus.

I'm finding that I have to constantly remind myself that a lot can happen in 3 months. I can't check-out and I can STILL build meaningful relationships in 3 months that could easily last for a lifetime.

That is a piece of where I'm at currently.

...I'm also super excited for the first OKC Thunder game to happen.