Monday, December 3, 2012

Would you like fries with that?

Coming to the last few weeks of my year at Shelterwood. It really doesn't feel like I'm about to be leaving this place. As hard as it has been living/working here, it's been my home for a almost a year and I'm thankful for that no matter what. I've made some of the greatest friends I could have ever asked for or expected through my co-workers and even littles. I have learned more about myself in the last 11 months than I ever thought possible in that short amount of time. God has shown me things about myself that I really like and really dislike. He's also shown me how to see things in other people the way He does....which is something I'm definitely still learning/working on. These girls have shown me more, taught me more, and surprised me more than I ever expected and probably more than they themselves will ever know. I'm forever grateful for the tears, stress, spiritual battles, hurt, anger, sadness, and brokenness that I have seen in these girls, sat through with these girls, and even experienced myself.

It's a gigantic bittersweet feeling thinking about leaving. I'm going to miss my Shelterwood family everyday. The good and even the bad. This place strengthened me and has given me something that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. I'll miss a lot of it. I don't even know if I will know how to function in a "normal day-to-day life".
9-5 job? A weekend? What the heck is that?

I'm REALLY looking forward to what God has next for me though.
Don't ask me what that is....I'm sure it's amazing though.

I have several options. I'm looking into many different things and honestly they are ALL really exciting to me. I'm trying not to get my hopes up on any of them or start planning things indefinitely until I feel like God has truly shown me what He's up to.
Hopefully it's not and dad will be so proud of my degree.

Until then I plan on catching up on sleep...A LOT. Also spending time with my family and close friends that I have really felt like I have sort of neglected this year. (I'm sorry if this was you. Sometimes when you work in a ministry you have to give up things you reeeealllllly don't want to. Time with people you love can be one of them.)

On another note: December 31st I get to eat french fries again. I probably don't have to tell you how excited I am for that, but just in case it looks kinda like this x100... >  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!