Monday, January 30, 2012

Transition Phase: Group Home Life


This is where I live now.

(Girls lodge is actually to the right of this tree. No pictures yet. Sorry)

The word "Shelterwood" is appropriate for this place.

Maybe I'll touch on that in a later post.

Signing up for this job I thought I didn't really know what I was getting into. I tried to come into it with no expectations, but who can reeeeeally do that? I knew it was going to be hard....and I even told myself I didn't know how hard. Boy, was I right.

Tomorrow I will have been here for 4 weeks. I will be going through training til the end of Feb. but I'm still considered a "big sister" for the most part. I can do basically anything now (driving company vehicles, sign "little sisters" daily point sheet, be on "coverage")....except for giving out meds and working in the kitchen...but my time will come. I have really enjoyed getting to know the staff and the "little's" since I've been here.

We have 12 "bigs" and 25 "little's" in our "house" (aka lodge...aka dorm-like building). I have had deep and meaningful conversations with both staff and little's and I have also had fun nights out on the town with a small group of the girls, which usually include chic-fil-a, wal-mart runs, and cookie-baking. I have also had little's cuss at me, call me names, complain when they get in trouble, and tell us how "there is nothing to do here!" and/or "you don't want us to have fun!"... (which they tend to complain about more and more each day).

God is teaching me patience.

He is teaching me forgiveness. He is teaching me obedience. He is teaching me wisdom. Annnnnd surprisingly(!), He is teaching me how to be a mom, by driving mini-vans and parenting...all day every day.

Sidenote: This is really the only time anyone ever gets paid to be a parent. SO... if you have no kids, are 23 years old or so and still have yet to find a fella (or lady), and are wanting to be a parent...then work in a group home/boarding school.

I was told by previous camp co-workers that have a history with Shelterwood that it would be the "hardest and best year of your life".

4 weeks in......I know that was truth.

Here's to the next 11 months...

" me strength."

1 comment:

  1. I was reading this & thinking "this sounds a lot like motherhood". You are awesome. I hope you write more updates. I could totally hear your voice as if you had said all of this on the phone to me. Very real writing Syd.

    I am so proud of you & I love you!
