Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Syncing your Sailboat...

This baby right here is Rode Trip

(If you don't understand the pun in the name you probably aren't a sailor. It's okay, don't fret.)

Alright, so if you know me at all. you know that I'm slightly obsessed with sailing...and by slightly obsessed I mean that if sailing was Justin Bieber I'd be a 13 year old squealing girl. I'm not sure where this obsession came from. Somewhere between sailing being one of the coolest things to do on a large body of water, and the fact that my father lives and breathes sailing. He knows all the knots of sailing (pun intended), and he's basically my hero, not to mention the most caring/funny/godly/funny/brave/funny/smart/funny/laid back guy you will ever meet. Oh...and he's super funny.

The above picture is my dad, Dennis Ray. (I told you. Steve Martin hilarious.)

This was when we participated in the annual Lake Eufaula Bucket Race. Since I doubt anyone reading this is from Eufaula, let me explain. In April there is a sailboat race across the lake to what is called Number 9 Marina, on the first day, and then back to Eufaula Marina on the second day. Best time (minus all handicaps with bigger/different types of boats) wins.

The people that partake in this event are majority really old men with really old boats who like to smoke a lot'a smoke and drank a lot'a drank, and then there's my dad and me.

Considering the fact that up until last summer we had the biggest sailboat on Lake Eufaula, OK (some really old guy bought a really old boat that's really big...making him the biggest sailboat on Lake Eufaul now), we pretty much dominate this race. The first year that had it my dad brought home a bucket (instead of a trophy...hence the name "bucket race"). The last summer or two, we have had conflicts that keep us from racing the second day. Our time always wins the one day we do participate, but alas, it keeps us from bringin' home the bucket.

This was my first bucket run race.

My favorite memory was when my best friend Danielle sailed with us. We were fixing food in the cabin of the boat and somehow came across water balloons and a slingshot. Naturally, we decided to ambush any boat when we so quickly passed up beside them.


Although I like Rode Trip very much. The catamaran is my favorite (see above). It can book it across the water, you can hook up a harness and lean off the side, and it looks like that...awesome. This was taken this last weekend. My dad and some friends went to South Padre to sail in a Regatta (boat race). They did horrible, but an adventure to say the least.

One I hope to have and share with you one day.

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