Monday, May 14, 2012

Second Cup O' Joe...

Here's a recent eureka moment I've had. .......I'm glad I'm single.
Seriously. It's taken me awhile to see how it's a blessing, but this last year I've started to come to the realization that it's great. 
I had a conversation with my dad back in December about how it would be a dream of mine to live in the British Virgin Islands. He was like, "umm, why don't you?" (Yeah. He's sort of awesome.) We then started talking about how I could get my dive masters license and sailing captain's license and then move to the islands and sail people around and take them scuba diving. 
The "life" right? 
This dream of mine still lingers in my head often. I don't know if it will ever become a reality, but if I'm going to end up doing something crazy/awesome, it will probably have to be while I'm single/unmarried/no kids. 
Don't get me wrong.....I don't want to be single and no kids forever...(I hate cats).
But for right now....I'm okay with it. 

Bring on the beach dreams.  

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