Friday, May 20, 2011


I wish I could explain/sum up my life right now.
In the last week or so I have: finished school, moved home for the summer (all while my parents were on vaca in Florida WITHOUT me), spent a few days in two different towns, and currently am trying to get unpacked/laundry done/re-packed and ready to go to camp on Sunday.
In the midst of all this chaos, I have had an unbelievable amount on my mind and heavy emotions in my heart.

I don't cry.
Hardly ever.
Ask anyone.
Unless it's super serious. OR once a month...(which is still rare).
I've done a lot of this recently.

I am losing faith in people.
I am having a hard time seeing the Lords plan in everything.
I know He is here.
But what am I to make of all this?

This might be a long summer.

Here. We. Go.

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